Echo Lakes Environmental Fund
What Is Echo Lake Environmental Fund?

The Echo Lakes Environment Fund is a nonprofit organization in the Echo Lakes Basin. It is organized to promote the conservation and stewardship of the Echo Lakes wilderness ecology through research, policy studies, environmental activities, and education. It is a 501(c)3, organized and operated exclusively for educational, scientific, literary and charitable purposes.
Founded in 1970 by a group of young people concerned about environmental awareness at the lakes, ELEF has, over the ensuing decades, sponsored a recycling center, nature walks, a newsletter, several free nature book distributions to all cabins, as well as many Desolation, road and lakes clean-ups.
The Osprey Echo Lakes News and Review is published annually by the ELEF. Current and archived issues are available for download at the bottom of this page
Photography on this page: © Chris Brown Photography, used by permission
ELEF News & Events
Articles & News from Echo Lake Environmental Fund
The Osprey
This publication of the Echo Lake Envinronmental Fund is usually published annually.
Click on individual editions to explore or download a full PDF to read and enjoy!
The Osprey
This publication of the Echo Lake Envinronmental Fund is usually published annually.
Click on individual editions to explore or download a full PDF to read and enjoy!
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